Chit Score : Your Trusted Score Rating Platform
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Chit scoring is a statistical analysis performed by lenders and financial institutions to determine the creditworthiness of a person or a small, owner-operated business.It is used by lenders to help decide whether to extend or deny credit.
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ChitScore evaluates creditworthiness by analyzing financial activities, providing a numerical range of 300-900, with higher scores indicating a more favorable credit profile.
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Chit score is an important factor that is considered by lenders at the time of offering you a loan or chit. It is a numerical summary of your credit history and repayment behaviour.
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Past credit transactions and borrowings and repayments from/to lending institutions. It show by chit score based on the customer credit records it receives from various chit and loan lending entities.

Helping small businesses like yours

Quicker decision- making for lenders for faster access to credit.






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All the Chit Score

A facility to check the chit status of the new person who joins your company that whether they took a chit or not in other companies.

Easy and fast answer

Chit Score is a three-digit numeric summary of your company customer chit credit history. This software, score is derived using the credit history found in the chit Report.

Improve or Increase Business

Chit score software is an important factor in determining whether you will be approved for a loan or chit. chit scores are generated based on your customer credit history which includes past credit taken and payment patterns in relation to them.

Secure financial services

Chitscore software helps you to protect your financial position as well as reduce the account non-receivable.

Good investments

Facilitates easy collection of arrears and non-payments from (NPA) customers and Chitscore not only reduces legal and court costs but also helps collect money without time delay.


Facility to alert other chit companies affiliated with Chit Score, about the NPAs and and their guarantors.